Congregation Shomre Shabbos

Location: 1801 S. Taylor Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 USA

Phone: 216.371.0033

Rabbi: Yisroel Grumer

Rabbi: Yitzchok Margareten

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  • Shiur on DAF YOMI given by Rabbi Yitzchok Margareten
    Language: English
    Phone: 216.397.0544

    Shiur Times:


    Mon: 9:00 PM
    Tue: 9:00 PM
    Wed: 9:00 PM
    Thu: 9:00 PM

    Shab: 1 hour before Mincha
    Sun: 9:00 PM

    To make changes to the Shiur: Edit Here

    To edit the Maggid Shiur’s info: Edit Here

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