Agudath Israel of Edison Highland Park

Location: 1131 Raritan Avenue Highland Park NJ 08904 USA

Phone: 732.819.8300

Rabbi: Reuven Drucker

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  • Shiur on DAF YOMI given by Rabbi Reuven Drucker
    Language: English
    Phone: 732.985.1111
    Shiur Duration: 1 Hour

    Shiur Times:


    Mon: 8:20 PM
    Tue: 8:20 PM
    Wed: 8:20 PM
    Thu: 8:20 PM

    Shab: 50 minutes before Mincha
    Sun: 8:20 PM

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    To edit the Maggid Shiur’s info: Edit Here

  • Shiur on DAF YOMI given by Rabbi Moshe Goldberger
    Language: English
    Phone: 718.948.2548

    Shiur Times:


    Mon: 5:00 AM and 6:50 AM
    Tue: 5:00 AM and 6:50 AM
    Wed: 5:00 AM and 6:50 AM
    Thu: 5:00 AM and 6:50 AM
    Fri: 12:30 PM

    Shab: No known Time.
    Sun: 8:00 and 9:00 AM ONLY over the phone 605-313-5890 Code: 399719#

    To make changes to the Shiur: Edit Here

    To edit the Maggid Shiur’s info: Edit Here

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